Gameplay Reports
Challenges for the current week listed here
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Now you need a cool nickname to use in the games...
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Fresh Air Challenge
Get outside in nature for (at least) 30 minutes. Try a new place in your community. Pick up some trash along the way. Upload a photo or video to show us where you ended up.
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You have successfully completed the tryouts and we are thrilled to welcome you as the newest player in the Social Impact Games. What would you like to do next?
Email or Nickname
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Play with purpose, compete with kindness, and go all in with a game where everyone wins.
You can continue to build your social impact resume by practicing Competitive Kindness and exercising your Do-Gooder muscles daily:
- Practice in the Training Ground to earn tokens and rewards, unlocking custom avatars, digital stickers, and badges.
- ANYONE can launch impact games for work or school including 'Social Justice', 'Indigenous Heritage', 'Environmental Action', ‘Competitive Kindness’ and more!

Mental Health Matters
EVERYONE suffers from mental health issues in some capacity throughout their life. Help decrease the stigma so everyone can be the best and most authentic version of themselves.

Truth & Reconciliation
From land acknowledgements to showcasing cultural traditions, learning about Indigenous perspectives and ways of life is critical in creating peace and justice within our communities.

Social Justice & Empathy
Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. In other words, it means there should be equal rights and opportunities.

The Kindness Cup
Join us as we recognize, celebrate, and share the remarkable stories of Canadian soccer during the Women's World Cup while we challenge Ontario Soccer Teams to have a positive impact on and off the field.

Be Loud and Proud
Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of our selves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse... let's advocate for laws and policies that will protect everyone’s dignity.

SDG Discovery
The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. Find out which SDG's inspire you to action?

Challenge your board, school, or class to compete as a force for good with our themed impact games.

We’ve worked with legends of sport to develop activation games that will turn your teams into community superstars.